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ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class IntermediateCRSUse
Always search for intermediate CRS.
ARC_SECOND - Static variable in class Units
Unit of measurement for angular measurements.
areEquivalent(Object, Object, ComparisonCriterion) - Static method in class Proj
Returns true if the given objects are equivalent according the given criterion.


BOTH - Enum constant in enum class SourceTargetCRSExtentUse
Test coordinate operation extent against both CRS extents.


clone() - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Returns a shallow copy of this context.
ComparisonCriterion - Enum Class in org.osgeo.proj
The criterion to use for comparing PROJ objects.
CoordinateOperationContext - Class in org.osgeo.proj
Optional information about the context in which a coordinate operation will be used.
CoordinateOperationContext() - Constructor for class CoordinateOperationContext
Creates a new context initialized to default value.
createCoordinateOperation(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateOperationContext) - Static method in class Proj
Returns an operation for conversion or transformation between two coordinate reference systems, taking in account the given context.
createCoordinateOperations(CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateOperationContext) - Static method in class Proj
Returns operations for conversion or transformation between two coordinate reference systems, taking in account the given context.
createFromUserInput(String) - Static method in class Proj
Instantiate a geodetic object from a user specified text.
createPosition(CoordinateReferenceSystem, double...) - Static method in class Proj
Creates a position with the given coordinate values and an optional CRS.


DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class GridAvailabilityUse
The PROJ default value.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class IntermediateCRSUse
The PROJ default value.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class SourceTargetCRSExtentUse
The PROJ default value.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class SpatialCriterion
The PROJ default value.
DEGREE - Static variable in class Units
Unit of measurement for angular measurements.
DISCARD_OPERATION_IF_MISSING_GRID - Enum constant in enum class GridAvailabilityUse
Completely discard an operation if a required grid is missing.


equals(Object) - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Compares this context with the given object for equality.
EQUIVALENT - Enum constant in enum class ComparisonCriterion
The objects are equivalent for the purpose of coordinate operations.
EQUIVALENT_EXCEPT_AXIS_ORDER_GEOGCRS - Enum constant in enum class ComparisonCriterion
Same as EQUIVALENT, relaxed with an exception that the axis order of the base CRS of a DerivedCRS/ProjectedCRS or the axis order of a GeographicCRS is ignored.


format(Object) - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Formats the given object.


getAllowUseIntermediateCRS() - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Return whether an intermediate pivot CRS can be used for researching coordinate operations between a source and target CRS.
getAreaOfInterest() - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Returns the desired area of interest, or null if none.
getAuthority() - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Returns the authority to use for searching coordinate operations.
getAuthorityFactory(String) - Static method in class Proj
Returns a factory for creating coordinate reference systems from codes allocated by the given authority.
getConvention() - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Returns the current convention used by this formatter.
getDesiredAccuracy() - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Returns the desired accuracy (in metres).
getDiscardSuperseded() - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Returns whether transformations that are superseded (but not deprecated) should be discarded.
getFactory(Class<F>) - Static method in class Proj
Returns a factory of the given type.
getGridAvailabilityUse() - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Return how grid availability is used.
getIndentationWidth() - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Returns the number of spaces in indentations when multilines output is enabled.
getMultiLine() - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Returns whether the output will be written in many lines.
getOperationFactory(CoordinateOperationContext) - Static method in class Proj
Creates a new operation factory for the given context.
getSourceAndTargetCRSExtentUse() - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Returns how source and target CRS extents should be used when considering if a transformation can be used.
getSpatialCriterion() - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Returns the spatial criterion to use when comparing the area of validity of coordinate operations with the area of interest / area of validity of source and target CRS.
getStrict() - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Returns whether the operation should fail if it can not be performed using strictly standard compliant WKT format.
getWarnings() - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Returns the warnings emitted during the last parsing operation.
GRAD - Static variable in class Units
Unit of measurement for angular measurements.
GridAvailabilityUse - Enum Class in org.osgeo.proj
Describes how grid availability is used.


hashCode() - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Returns a hash code value for this context.


IF_NO_DIRECT_TRANSFORMATION - Enum constant in enum class IntermediateCRSUse
Only attempt looking for intermediate CRS if there is no direct transformation available.
IGNORE_GRID_AVAILABILITY - Enum constant in enum class GridAvailabilityUse
Ignore grid availability completely.
IntermediateCRSUse - Enum Class in org.osgeo.proj
Describes if and how intermediate CRS should be used.
INTERSECTION - Enum constant in enum class SourceTargetCRSExtentUse
Test coordinate operation extent against the intersection of both CRS extents.


JSON - Enum constant in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
JSON format (non-standard).


METRE - Static variable in class Units
System unit of measurement for linear measurements.
MICRORADIAN - Static variable in class Units
Unit of measurement for angular measurements equals to one millionth of Units.RADIAN.


NEVER - Enum constant in enum class IntermediateCRSUse
Never search for intermediate CRS.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class SourceTargetCRSExtentUse
Ignore CRS extent.
normalizeForVisualization(CoordinateOperation) - Static method in class Proj
Returns a coordinate operation with axis order such as the east direction is first and the north direction is second, if possible.
NoUnitImplementationException - Exception Class in org.osgeo.proj
Thrown when an unit operation is requested but no JSR-385 implementation is found on the classpath.
NoUnitImplementationException() - Constructor for exception class NoUnitImplementationException
Construct an exception with a default message saying that a JSR-385 implementation should be provided.
NoUnitImplementationException(String) - Constructor for exception class NoUnitImplementationException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message.


org.osgeo.proj - module org.osgeo.proj
Java Native Interface for the PROJ C/C++ library.
org.osgeo.proj - package org.osgeo.proj
Java Native Interface for the PROJ C/C++ library.
org.osgeo.proj.maxThreadsPerInstance - Search tag in package org.osgeo.proj
System Property


parse(String) - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Parses the given characters string.
PARTIAL_INTERSECTION - Enum constant in enum class SpatialCriterion
The area of validity of transforms should at least intersect the area of interest.
PARTS_PER_MILLION - Static variable in class Units
Unit of measurement for scale factors equals to one millionth of Units.SCALE_UNITY.
Proj - Class in org.osgeo.proj
Static methods for coordinate reference systems and operations.
PROJ_4 - Enum constant in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
Implementation-specific string format for PROJ 4 compatibility.
PROJ_5 - Enum constant in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
Implementation-specific string format for CRS and coordinate operations.


RADIAN - Static variable in class Units
System unit of measurement for angular measurements.
ReferencingFormat - Class in org.osgeo.proj
Parses and format referencing objects in Well Known Text, JSON or PROJ format.
ReferencingFormat() - Constructor for class ReferencingFormat
Creates a new formatter initialized to default configuration.
ReferencingFormat.Convention - Enum Class in org.osgeo.proj
Controls some aspects in formatting referencing objects as Well Known Text (WKT), JSON or PROJ strings.


SCALE_UNITY - Static variable in class Units
System unit of measurement for scale factors.
SECOND - Static variable in class Units
System unit of measurement for temporal measurements.
setAllowUseIntermediateCRS(IntermediateCRSUse) - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Set whether an intermediate pivot CRS can be used for researching coordinate operations between a source and target CRS.
setAreaOfInterest(double, double, double, double) - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Sets the desired area of interest from the given latitude and longitude bounds.
setAreaOfInterest(Extent) - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Sets the desired area of interest.
setAuthority(String) - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Sets the authority to use for searching coordinate operations.
setConvention(ReferencingFormat.Convention) - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Sets the convention to use for this formatter.
setDesiredAccuracy(double) - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Sets the desired accuracy (in metres).
setDiscardSuperseded(boolean) - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Sets whether transformations that are superseded (but not deprecated) should be discarded.
setGridAvailabilityUse(GridAvailabilityUse) - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Sets how grid availability is used.
setIndentationWidth(int) - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Sets the number of spaces in indentations when multilines output is enabled.
setMultiLine(boolean) - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Sets whether the output will be written in many lines.
setSourceAndTargetCRSExtentUse(SourceTargetCRSExtentUse) - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Sets how source and target CRS extents should be used when considering if a transformation can be used.
setSpatialCriterion(SpatialCriterion) - Method in class CoordinateOperationContext
Sets the spatial criterion to use when comparing the area of validity of coordinate operations with the area of interest / area of validity of source and target CRS.
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class ReferencingFormat
Sets whether the operation should fail if it can not be performed using strictly standard compliant WKT format.
SMALLEST - Enum constant in enum class SourceTargetCRSExtentUse
Test coordinate operation against the smallest of both CRS extents.
SourceTargetCRSExtentUse - Enum Class in org.osgeo.proj
Specifies how source and target CRS extents should be used to restrict candidate operations.
SpatialCriterion - Enum Class in org.osgeo.proj
Spatial criterion to restrict candidate operations.
STRICT - Enum constant in enum class ComparisonCriterion
All properties are identical.
STRICT_CONTAINMENT - Enum constant in enum class SpatialCriterion
The area of validity of transforms should strictly contain the are of interest.


UnformattableObjectException - Exception Class in org.osgeo.proj
Thrown when a PROJ object can not be formatted to Well Known Text (WKT), JSON or PROJ string.
UnformattableObjectException() - Constructor for exception class UnformattableObjectException
Construct an exception with no detail message.
UnformattableObjectException(String) - Constructor for exception class UnformattableObjectException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message.
UnformattableObjectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class UnformattableObjectException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message and cause.
Units - Class in org.osgeo.proj
A set of predefined units of measurements used by PROJ.
UnparsableObjectException - Exception Class in org.osgeo.proj
Thrown when a PROJ object can not be parsed from a Well Known Text (WKT), JSON or PROJ string.
UnparsableObjectException() - Constructor for exception class UnparsableObjectException
Construct an exception with no detail message.
UnparsableObjectException(String) - Constructor for exception class UnparsableObjectException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message.
UnparsableObjectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class UnparsableObjectException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message and cause.
UnsupportedImplementationException - Exception Class in org.osgeo.proj
Thrown when a method can not execute because a given argument value is not a PROJ implementation.
UnsupportedImplementationException() - Constructor for exception class UnsupportedImplementationException
Construct an exception with no detail message.
UnsupportedImplementationException(String) - Constructor for exception class UnsupportedImplementationException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message.
USE_FOR_SORTING - Enum constant in enum class GridAvailabilityUse
Grid availability is only used for sorting results.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ComparisonCriterion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class GridAvailabilityUse
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class IntermediateCRSUse
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class SourceTargetCRSExtentUse
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class SpatialCriterion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class ComparisonCriterion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class GridAvailabilityUse
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class IntermediateCRSUse
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class SourceTargetCRSExtentUse
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class SpatialCriterion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
version() - Static method in class Proj
Returns the version number of the PROJ library.


WKT - Static variable in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
The most recent version of WKT supported by current implementation.
WKT_SIMPLIFIED - Static variable in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
The most recent version of "simplified" WKT supported by current implementation.
WKT1_ESRI - Enum constant in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
Well Known Text version 1 as traditionally written by ESRI software in Shapefiles.
WKT1_GDAL - Enum constant in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
Well Known Text version 1 as traditionally written by GDAL.
WKT2_2015 - Enum constant in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
Full Well Known Text version 2 string, conforming to ISO 19162:2015(E) / OGC 12-063r5.
WKT2_2015_SIMPLIFIED - Enum constant in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
Well Known Text version 2 (2015) in a more compact form.
WKT2_2019 - Enum constant in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
Full Well Known Text version 2 string, conforming to ISO 19162:2019 / OGC 18-010.
WKT2_2019_SIMPLIFIED - Enum constant in enum class ReferencingFormat.Convention
Well Known Text version 2 (2019) in a more compact form.


YEAR - Static variable in class Units
Unit of measurement for temporal measurements.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form|System Properties