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Run GRASS interface in an R session not started within GRASS. In general, most users will use initGRASS in throwaway locations, to use GRASS modules on R objects without the need to define and populate a location. The function initializes environment variables used by GRASS, the .gisrc used by GRASS for further environment variables, and a temporary location.

On Windows, if OSGeo4W GRASS is being used, the R session must be started in the OSGeo4W shell. If not, the non-standard placing of files and of environment variables confuses the function. If toupper(gisBase) contains "OSGEO4W64/APPS/GRASS" or "OSGEO4W/APPS/GRASS" (and after converting "\" to "/"), but the environment variable OSGEO4W_ROOT is not defined, initGRASS() will exit with an error before confusion leads to further errors. For further details, see and

The same restriction applies to use of GRASS with QGIS Windows standalone installations, which may be used with initGRASS only if the R session is started from the OSGeo4W shell shipped as part of the standalone installer (see The function will exit with an error if R was not started from the QGIS OSGeo4W shell before confusion leads to further errors.

The locking functions are used internally, but are exposed for experienced R/GRASS scripters needing to use the GRASS module "g.mapset" through initGRASS in an existing GRASS location. In particular, "g.mapset" may leave a .gislock file in the current MAPSET, so it may be important to call unlink_.gislock to clean up before quitting the R session. remove_GISRC may be used to try to remove the file given in the "GISRC" environment variable if created by initGRASS with argument remove_GISRC= TRUE.


  gisBase = NULL,
  override = FALSE,
  use_g.dirseps.exe = TRUE,
  remove_GISRC = FALSE,
  ignore.stderr = get.ignore.stderrOption()








The directory path to GRASS binaries and libraries, containing bin and lib subdirectories among others; if NULL, set from environment variable GRASS_INSTALLATION if found, if not found, system("grass --config path") is tried.


The directory in which to create the .gisrc file; defaults to $HOME on Unix systems and to USERPROFILE on Windows systems; can usually be set to tempdir().


An optional SpatRaster or SpatialGrid object to define the DEFAULT_WIND of the temporary location.


if missing, tempdir() will be used; GRASS GISDBASE directory for the working session.


if missing, assumed to be "$HOME/.grass7/addons" on Unix-like platforms, on MS Windows "\ and checked for existence.


if missing, basename(tempfile()) will be used; GRASS location directory for the working session.


if missing, basename(tempfile()) will be used; GRASS mapset directory for the working session.


default FALSE, set to TRUE if accidental trashing of GRASS .gisrc files and locations is not a problem.


default TRUE; when TRUE appears to work for WinGRASS Native binaries, when FALSE for QGIS GRASS binaries; ignored on other platforms.


default as.integer(round(runif(1, 1, 1000))), integer used to identify GIS_LOCK; the value here is arbitrary, but probably should be set correctly.


default FALSE; if TRUE, attempt to unlink the temporary file named in the "GISRC" environment variable when the R session terminates or when this package is unloaded.


default taking the value set by set.ignore.stderrOption; can be set to TRUE to silence system() output to standard error; does not apply on Windows platforms.


The function runs gmeta6 before returning the current values of the running GRASS session that it provides.


The function establishes an out-of-GRASS working environment providing GRASS commands with the environment variable support required, and may also provide a temporary location for use until the end of the running R session if the home argument is set to tempdir(), and the gisDbase argument is not given. Running gmeta shows where the location is, should it be desired to archive it before leaving R.


If any package command fails with a UTF-8 error from the XML package, try using setXMLencoding to work around the problem that GRASS modules declare –interface-description output as UTF-8 without ensuring that it is.

See also


Roger S. Bivand, e-mail:


# Run only if GRASS installation is found and 'terra' package is installed
run <- nzchar(GRASS_INSTALLATION) &&
       file.exists(GRASS_INSTALLATION) &&$isdir &&
       require(terra, quietly = TRUE)
#> terra 1.8.21

if (run) {
  # Get the terra example dataset
  f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
  r <- rast(f)

# Check for existing GRASS session running
if (run) {
  loc_existing <- try(gmeta(), silent = TRUE)

if (run) {
  # Initialize a temporary GRASS project using the example data
  loc <- initGRASS(
    home = tempdir(),
    SG = r,
    override = TRUE

if (run) {
  # Write the example data to the GRASS database
  write_RAST(r, "elev", flags = "overwrite")
  execGRASS("", map = "elev")
#> Importing raster map <elev>...
#>    0%   3%   6%  10%  13%  16%  20%  23%  26%  30%  33%  36%  40%  43%  46%  50%  53%  56%  60%  63%  66%  70%  73%  76%  80%  83%  86%  90%  93%  96% 100%
#> SpatRaster read into GRASS using from file
#>  +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
#>  | Map:      elev                           Date: Sat Feb 22 06:16:43 2025    |
#>  | Mapset:   file21645319a0aa               Login of Creator: runner          |
#>  | Location: file21642169ae7                                                  |
#>  | DataBase: /tmp/grass7-runner-8543/RtmpPMPEAK                               |
#>  | Title:                                                                     |
#>  | Timestamp: none                                                            |
#>  |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
#>  |                                                                            |
#>  |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 0               |
#>  |   Data Type:    CELL                                                       |
#>  |   Rows:         90                                                         |
#>  |   Columns:      95                                                         |
#>  |   Total Cells:  8550                                                       |
#>  |        Projection: Latitude-Longitude                                      |
#>  |            N:  50:11:30N    S:  49:26:30N   Res: 0:00:30                   |
#>  |            E:      6:32E    W:   5:44:30E   Res: 0:00:30                   |
#>  |   Range of data:    min = 141  max = 547                                   |
#>  |                                                                            |
#>  |   Data Description:                                                        |
#>  |    generated by                                                  |
#>  |                                                                            |
#>  |   Comments:                                                                |
#>  | --overwrite input="/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/terra/e\   |
#>  |    x/elev.tif" output="elev" memory=300 offset=0 num_digits=0              |
#>  |                                                                            |
#>  +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

if (run) {
  # Calculate slope and aspect raster
    flags    = "overwrite",
    elevation = "elev",
    slope    = "slope",
    aspect   = "aspect"
#>    0%   3%   6%   9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  34%  37%  40%  43%  46%  49%  52%  56%  59%  62%  65%  68%  71%  74%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96% 100%
#> Aspect raster map <aspect> complete
#> Slope raster map <slope> complete

if (run) {
  # Read the results back into R and plot
  u1 <- read_RAST(c("elev", "slope", "aspect"), return_format = "terra")
  plot(u1[["elev"]], col = terrain.colors(50))
#> Checking GDAL data type and nodata value...
#>    2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  30%  33%  36%  40%  43%  46%  50%  53%  56%  60%  63%  66%  70%  73%  76%  80%  83%  86%  90%  93%  96% 100%
#> Using GDAL data type <UInt32>
#> Exporting raster data to RRASTER format...
#>    2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  30%  33%  36%  40%  43%  46%  50%  53%  56%  60%  63%  66%  70%  73%  76%  80%  83%  86%  90%  93%  96% 100%
#> r.out.gdal complete. File
#> </tmp/grass7-runner-8543/RtmpPMPEAK/file21644105f8ce.grd> created.
#> Checking GDAL data type and nodata value...
#>    2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  30%  33%  36%  40%  43%  46%  50%  53%  56%  60%  63%  66%  70%  73%  76%  80%  83%  86%  90%  93%  96% 100%
#> Using GDAL data type <Float32>
#> Exporting raster data to RRASTER format...
#>    2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  30%  33%  36%  40%  43%  46%  50%  53%  56%  60%  63%  66%  70%  73%  76%  80%  83%  86%  90%  93%  96% 100%
#> r.out.gdal complete. File
#> </tmp/grass7-runner-8543/RtmpPMPEAK/file21647c1b9e70.grd> created.
#> Checking GDAL data type and nodata value...
#>    2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  30%  33%  36%  40%  43%  46%  50%  53%  56%  60%  63%  66%  70%  73%  76%  80%  83%  86%  90%  93%  96% 100%
#> Using GDAL data type <Float32>
#> Exporting raster data to RRASTER format...
#>    2%   5%   8%  11%  14%  17%  20%  23%  26%  30%  33%  36%  40%  43%  46%  50%  53%  56%  60%  63%  66%  70%  73%  76%  80%  83%  86%  90%  93%  96% 100%
#> r.out.gdal complete. File
#> </tmp/grass7-runner-8543/RtmpPMPEAK/file2164626d415b.grd> created.

# Restore the original GRASS session
if (run) {
  if (!inherits(loc_existing, "try-error")) {
    loc <- initGRASS(
      home = tempdir(),
      gisDbase = loc_existing$GISDBASE,
      location = loc_existing$LOCATION_NAME,
      mapset = loc_existing$MAPSET,
      override = TRUE