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Zoo Project

WPS Server

ZOO-Project provides a developer friendly Web Processing Service (WPS) framework for creating and chaining Web Processing Services. A WPS provides web access to functions which run spatial algorithms. ZOO-Project supports many programming languages and comes with three demo applications. The first uses the simple spatialtools services based on the GEOS and OGR libraries, the second showcase Voronoi and Delaunay triangulation (from the CGAL library) and the third present how to interract with OTB applications runninng as WPS services.

The three demontration applications are available from the ZOO-Project demo landing page presented bellow.

ZOO is made of three parts:

ZOO Kernel : A powerful server-side C Kernel which makes it possible to manage and chain Web services coded in different programming languages.

ZOO Services : A growing suite of example Web services based on various Open Source libraries.

ZOO API : A server-side JavaScript API able to call and chain the ZOO Services, which makes the development and chaining processes easier.

ZOO is based on a ‘WPS Service Kernel’ which constitutes the ZOO’s core system (aka ZOO Kernel). The latter is able to load dynamic libraries and to handle them as on-demand Web services. The ZOO Kernel is written in C language, but supports several common programming languages in order to connect to numerous libraries and above all to simplify the Web service end-developer’s job.

A ZOO service is a link composed of a metadata file (.zcfg) and the code for the corresponding implementation. The metadata file describes all the available functions which can be called using a WPS Exec Request, as well as the desired input/output. Services contain the algorithms and functions, and can now be implemented in C/C++, Fortran, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, C# and JavaScript.

zoo-project screenshot

Core Features

  • Multi language WPS server

  • Simple Web Service creation and deployment procedure

  • Simple WPS chaining with ZOO API

Implemented Standards

  • OGC WPS 1.0.0

  • OGC WPS 2.0.0



Website: https://zoo-project.org/

Licence: MIT x/11

Software Version: 1.9.0

Supported Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac

Programing language support: C, Python, Java, PHP, Fortran, Javascript, C#, Ruby

Support: https://zoo-project.org/
